Wix Polls

Full flow & design for a feature within the Wix Blog app- the ability for Wix users to to add, edit, and eventually have users vote in a poll on their website.

Creating and editings Polls for Blog Posts

One of the most requested features by Wix users was a poll post within a blog where they can ask their fellow blog readers certain questions.

The first part of the flow and design is the creation and editing part of the poll:

  A user can add a photo to their poll question or answer

Images are automatically cropped. Once one image is added to one of the poll answers, it is suggested that all answers have an image attached with an “image upload” placeholder. Users can change the order of the answer choices.

The settings panel gives the user certain options about voter audience, obligatory verses optional answer choices, and timeline of the post.

Users of Wix users- voting in the Poll

When a poll is published in a blog post, users of Wix users can vote in the polls, add an option to the poll if the website editor allowed it, and see the results.

After a user of the site voted for the pooll, users can see the results and the “site members” who voted for it.

For poll results on mobile, more information is displayed on expand.